SLS Internal Reports 2007


Th. Huthwelker

Specification of the double crystal monochromator for the PHOENIX beamline (X07MA)

30-NOV-2007, 0 pages


J.Chrin, T.Schmidt, A.Streun, D.Zimoch

A Feed-Forward Procedure to Counteract Orbit Distortions and Photon Beam Displacements from Insertion Device Operation

ICALEPCS07, Oct.15-19, 2007, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, 22-OCT-2007, 3 pages [PS] [PDF]

Insertion devices (IDs) of various types provide light of high brilliance to experimenters at the Swiss Light Source (SLS) beamlines. Changes in the photon energy and polarization by movement of the ID gap and phase shift, however, cause orbit distortions that result in a displacement of the photon beam in both angle and position at the beamline. A feed-forward correction scheme has been developed to quantify and precisely correct these effects using designated correctors local to the photon source. The correction algorithm also incorporates recently commissioned X-ray beam position monitors (XBPMs) located at the beamline front-end. A photon pointing stability at the sub-microradian level has been achieved.


Thomas Wehrli

Eigenschaften von Photon Beam Position Monitors (PBPMs) an der SLS

Diplomarbeit ETHZ Abt. 4n, 15-JUN-2007, 48 pages [PDF]


D.Kalantaryan, A.Streun

Calculation of THz spectra from FEMTO laser slicing in the SLS storage ring

1-JUN-2007, 86 pages [PDF]

The spectra of coherent radiation in the THz range emitted by the electron bunch after interaction with the femtosecond laser pulse are calculated as a function of turn number, for two locations (the dipole magnet following the FEMTO insertion, and the dipole magnet of the Infrared beam line) and for two operating conditions (the third harmonic cavity on and off, i.e. detuned). An analytical model for the evolution of the longitudinal charge density is established and compared to results from multi particle tracking simulations.


Q. Chen

The specifications for CVD PBPMs at the optic components of X06DA beamline of SLS

14-MAY-2007, 0 pages


Q. Chen

Steady-state thermal calculation for absorbers of BMFE at SLS

26-APR-2007, 0 pages


R. Schneider

Specification of shielded hutches of the SLS protein crystallography beamline MINI-hutch X06DA (PXIII)

5-MAR-2007, 0 pages

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