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2. Installation

In order to compile the TRACY package successfully you have to provide recent versions of:

If you have a LINUX system (lucky you !) this preriquisite should be already fulfilled.

You will also need the

which is available via

The documentation ist provided in SGML format. To generate ( Source), tracy.html ( Source) and tracy.txt ( Source) from tracy.sgml ( Source) you will need

The TRACY package is distributed as gzip'ed tape archive file

You can get it from Make sure that you download the most recent stable version. Latest.tar.gz points to the latest stable version.

Move the file to a directory of your choice preferably something like ~/tracy/ and unpack the archive using the command gzip -cd tracy-version.tar.gz | tar xf -. Browse through the README file and edit the Makefile ( Source) in order to make changes to the compiler flags. Eventually define the variable SYSNAME if you want to work simultaneously on various platforms. Set SYSNAME to the output of uname.

Type make all to start the compilation. This will create the library libtracy.a with respect to ./$SYSNAME/lib/ and the documentation within ./doc/. Browse through the documentation before you continue.

Type make -f Makefile.example test to compile and link the test program tracytest.c. Have a look at the example Makefile ( Source). It allows you to keep your extensions to TRACY at a different place as the distribution.

The holy source ist under RCS (Revision Control System) [1] control. The RCS files are not part of the distribution.

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