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1 Building 2 Kingdom 3 Sector 4 Source Type 5 Container 6 Device Level 1 7 Device Level 2 8 Attribute 9 Signal Type
10 Subsystem Examples Split beam line


1 Building Optional - normally only used for the Gebäudeleitsystem
2 Kingdom hier X Naming Convention
3 Sector 01 - 12 Sector 1-12
00 not associated with a sector
4 Source Type SA Short straight section A
MA Medium straight section A
LA Long straight section A
DA Dipol magnet port A
DB Dipol magnet port B
DC Dipol magnet special port see e.g. beam line X01DC
5 Container SR Storage Ring
ID Insertion device
FE Front end
OP Optics
OPA Optics branch A see e.g. beam line X09LA
EH1 Experimental hutch 1
EH1 Experimental hutch 1
EPS Virtual container for signals to/from EPS
LAHU Laser hutch 1
LAT1 Laser transport line 1
LAFE Laser front end
LAES Laser end station
LATH Laser terra hertz station
6 Device Level 1 AB Absorber
AU Aperture Unit
BM Beam monitor
BS Beam stopper/ Bremsstrahlung blocker
CC Cryo/Crystal cooling
CH Chopper/Chamber/Horizontal Corrector
CM Collimating mirror
CS Cooling system
DET Detector
DF Diffractometer
DR Dioor
EB Exposure box
FA Fast absorber
FI Filter
FM Focusing mirror
FS Flouresence screen
GC Gas cell
GF Gas filter
GV Guard vacuum
HOLE Pinhole detector
M Miscroscope
MA Manipulator
MI Mirror
MO Monichromator
PH Photon shutter
RM Refocusing mirror
RV Rack ventilation
SL Exit slit
SMP Sample handler
ST Station shutter/LAC stopper
SH Slit horizontal
SV Slit vertical
WA Wave analyzer
WI Window Beryllum e.g.
ENC Encoder card cage
FCS Fast valve control system
IPC Ion pump controller
LCAD Low current amplifier
PLC Programmable Logic Controler
SMC Stepper motor controler
VMG Vacuum maxi gauge controller
7 Device Level 2
Vacuum MC Capacity measurement
MP Cold Cathode IKR270
MF Full Range PKR261/251
MT Pirani TPR265
TSP Titan sublimation pump
PG Ion gatter pump
TP Turbo pump
VG Gate valve
VF Fast valve
Cooling VE Electrical valve Cooling circuit
WW Wasserwächter
PU Pump Cooling circuit
PS Pressure switch Cooling circuit
RC Regel controller
VR Regelventil
Miscellaneous LSU Limit switch up
LSD Limit switch down
LSP1/td> Limit switch position 1
BO Bake out system
SW Switch
8 Attributes
Vacuum PRESSURE Vacuum pressure [mbar]
SETPOINT Vacuum set point
VOLTAGE Pump voltage
POSITION Valve position
CURRENT Pump current
Switches OPEN LS open
CLOSE LS closed
STATUS Binary status on/off, in/out, set/unset
Cooling FLOW Flow switch
WP Water pressure
AP Air pressure
TC Temperature
Motion TR Translation
TRX1 Translation x coordinate direction ring
TRX2 Translation x coordinate direction wall
TRY1 Translation y coordinate up
TRY2 Translation y coordinate down
TRZ1 Translation z coordinate upstream
TRZ2 Translation z coordinate downstream
RO Rotation
EC Linear encoder
ER Rotational encoder
9 Signal Type AI Analogue input
AO Analogue output
DI Digital input
DO Digital output
M Motor 19 pin Burndy
E Encoder
TC Temperature Standard PSI Temp. block connector
HV High voltage signal usually SHV connector
RS232 Serial connection RJ45
10 Subsysstem CS Control System
VCS Vacuum Control System
LAC Local Access Control
EPS Equipment Protection System
MPS Magnet Protection System
MIS Machine Interlock System
PSA Personen Sicherheits Anlage
IDDC Insertion Device Drive Control
GLS Gebäudeleitsystem
FCS/VAT Fast Valve Closing System
SUA Strahlen Überwachung Alarmierung


Device Attribute Description Signal Type Subsystem
X07MA-OP-VG1 SET Actuator of Gate Valve DO EPS
X07MA-OP-VG1 OPEN Gate Valve LS open DI EPS
X07MA-OP-VG1 CLOSE Gate Valve LS closed DI EPS
X07MA-OP-MOPG1 CURRENT Current of gatter pump of the mono AI EPS
X07MA-OP-MOMF1 PRESSURE Vacuum gauge 1 of mono AI EPS
X07MA-OP-MO THETA Rotation about main axis theta M CS
X07MA-OP-MO C1ROZ Crystal 1 roll M CS
X07MA-OP-MO C1ROX Crystal 1 pitch M CS
X07MA-OP-MO C2ROY Crystal 2 yaw M CS

Split beam line

Uwe Flechsig hat einen Vorschlag gemacht zur Behandlung der Namen im Falle ein geteilten Strahllinie am Beispiel XTREME und PHOENIX.

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