Andreas Streun, Stefan Staudenmann, Detlef Vermeulen

Deutsche Version

(English: Trivan Pal)


The "PSI-Anlagen-Bezeichungssystem" (PAB) has been in use so far for the designation of objects/devices in the three domains, namely: the SLS accelerators, the SLS experiments and the infrastructure. These three domains are identified by the letters A, X, and I respectively, at position 6 in the naming designator.

In this document we define the general structure of the PAB, introduce new domains and give general rules for the definition of the designators. Domain-specific designation rules are defined in subordinate documents. The PAB was first introduced as the "SLS functional naming convention" in 1998 [1], and in 1999 it was extended to the present "PSI-Anlagen-Bezeichungssystem" [2]. The names of existing domains were not adapted, since that would have been much too complex. It was however planned that future domains also follow the PAB convention. In the course of the installation of new hardware for the control system at the proton accelerators, and the structure of new domains, this prescription is now deemed desirable.

[1] A.Streun, SLS functional device naming convention, SLS-TME-TA-1998-0001. Replaced by web page web page.

[2] K.H.Melchers, General instructions for the "PSI-Anlagen-Bezeichungssystem" (PAB), AW-92-99-01; replaced via: S.Staudenmann, PSI domain designation system, TM-93-02-06.
This document defines the general structure of the PAB, introduces new domains and gives general rules for the definition of the designators. Domian-specific designation rules are defined in subordinate documents.


The naming convention uses capital letter only. In its most general form, a designator follows the syntax:


(Here x means an indication, X a character string, [ ] an optional field.)


Some examples from the domains already existing are recalled in the following, which can serve as suggestions for the re-defined domains:

Domain A:

s. Tabelle

Domain I:

s. Tabelle

Domain X:

s. Tabelle


(17/10/2006 Preliminary - Pending implementation of changes forwarded by DV).
The preceding conventions limit the procedure in the following way:

Bereiche und Verantwortliche Stand. 25. April 2007
b Bereich Verantwortlicher Status
A SLS Maschine A. Streun in Betrieb
F FEL und LEG R. Bakker neu
G Global Kontrollsystem D.Vermeulen neu
L Laboreinrichtungen D.Vermeulen neu
I Infrastruktur K.H.Melchers in Betrieb
M Testsysteme D.Vermeulen In Betrieb
P PROSCAN T.Korhonen neu
X SLS Beamlines und Experimente A.Isenegger In Betrieb
Z Protonenanlagen HE T.Korhonen neu