SLS-TME-TA-1997-0001z (former SLS-Note 1/97, outdated) A. Jaggi and J. A. Zichy, Betriebsvorschriften SLS Teststand
(german), January 97, 9 pages
SLS-TME-TA-1997-0002 (former SLS-Note 2/97) C. H. Gough, Error tolerances of half sine pulses, January 97,
3 pages, PDF scan
(207K, PDF)
SLS-TME-TA-1997-0003 (former SLS-Note 3/97) P. Marchand, SLS electron gun test stand: First experimental results,
February 97, 11 pages
SLS-TME-TA-1997-0004 (former SLS-Note 4/97) C. H. Gough, Comparison of magnetic and electrostatic deflection,
February 97, 6 pages, Postscript
SLS-PUB-TA-1997-0005 (former SLS-Note 5/97) J. A. Zichy, SLS-Teststand, Jahresbericht 1996 (german), February
97, 2 pages
SLS-TME-US-1997-0006 (former SLS-Note 6/97) C. Schulze, Comparison of different synchrotron radiation sources
for computed micro-tomography, March 97, 10 pages, Postscript
SLS-TME-TA-1997-0007 (former SLS-Note 7/97) P. Marchand, V. Schlott, A. Streun, SLS teststand phase 1 beam measurements,
March 97, 16 pages
SLS-TME-TA-1997-0008 (former SLS-Note 8/97) C. H. Gough, Eddy current simulation of a vacuum chamber, March
97, 4 pages, Postscript
SLS-TME-TA-1997-0009 (former SLS-Note 9/97) J. Bengtsson, The sextupole scheme for the Swiss Light Source (SLS):
an analytic approach, March 97, 57 pages, Compressed Postscript(3.6M, PS) , PDF(2.4M, PDF)
SLS-TME-TA-1997-0010 (former SLS-Note 10/97) M. E. Busse-Grawitz, Response of electron beam to phase variations,
June 97, 6 pages, PDF scan(1.9M, PDF)
SLS-TME-TA-1997-0011 (former SLS-Note 11/97) A. Jaggi and J. A. Zichy, Betriebsvorschriften für den SLS
Teststand (final version, german), April 97, 15 pages
SLS-TME-TA-1997-0012 (former SLS-Note 12/97) C. H. Gough, Comparison of pulsed power supplies for kicker magnets,
July 97, 5 pages, Postscript
SLS-TME-TA-1997-0013 (former SLS-Note 13/97) D. Dohan, EPICS - a proposal for the SLS accelerator and beamline
control system, (Addendum to SLS-TME-TA-1996-0005
(SLS-Note 15/96)), August 97, 3 pages
SLS-TME-TA-1997-0014 (former SLS-Note 14/97) D. Dohan, The SLS test stand control system, August 97, 12 pages
SLS-TME-TA-1997-0015 (former SLS-Note 15/97) G. Mühaupt and L. Schulz, Design considerations for the SLS
Booster vacuum system, September 97, 9 pages, PDF-scan (3M)
SLS-TME-TA-1997-0016 (former SLS-Note 16/97) C. H. Gough and A. Streun, Error Estimates of Injection magnets,
October 97, 15 pages, Postscript
SLS-TME-TA-1997-0017 (former SLS-Note 17/97) B. Weiersmüller, Temperatureinfluss auf die Übertragungsstrecke
Transmitter/Glasfiberkabel/Receiver (german), October 97, 3 pages,
SLS-TME-TA-1997-0018 (former SLS-Note 18/97) A. Streun, Momentum acceptance and Touschek lifetime, November
97 (corrections Aug.2008), 13 pages, PDF