SLS functional device naming convention: Accelerator naming

Accelerator Generic Names

generic name: Domain-{Family,Device}-{Member,Component}

Domain = AMachineSystem

Machine (2 characters):
LI Linac
LB Linac to Booster transferline
BO Booster synchrotron
BR Booster to storage ring transferline
RI Storage ring
There are also devices acting on several machines at once that cannot be assigned to a particular machine, e.g. the RF master oscillator. For these we define »pseudo-machines« like
CO Control room
GA Technical gallery

System (2 characters):

System defines the technical subsystem, orthogonal to the machine subdivision:

MA Magnets (incl. power supplies)
DI Diagnostics (incl. cameras, detectors, supplies)
RF RF systems (including timing)
VA Vacuum systems
AL Alignment
SA Safety

Thus the domain defines a system cell in a matrix covering the whole accelerator complex. This also corresponds to the personal responsibilities, e.g. one person might be heading the whole Booster, another one the vacuum systems in general. If there is a big problem in domain  ABOVA, the two persons responsible for Machine BO and System VA will get together. Smaller problems will be treated by the person working in domain ABOVA alone.

Family, Device, Group

Magnets: The functional magnet device contains one magnet or a chain of magnets, the cable between magnet(s) and power supply, the power supply and its controller. Controlled channels will be current, temperature, waterflow, alignment data, etc.

B Bending magnet
S Sextupole
CH Horizontal corrector
CV Vertical corrector
Y Septum  (Y for the topology of uniting/separating beams)
O Solenoid  (O for the rotational symmetry)
CS Skew quadrupole corrector
K Kicker
ID Insertion device
Magnet names start with these characters, followed by more to identify their function, e.g. QLA for first matching quad to long straight section.
Diagnostic devices usually have rather long names, thus they are always called by abbreviations. The functional diagnostic device contains the component interacting with the beam and several pieces of electronics. In case of an optical transition radiation screen the hardware involved comprises the screen itself with its motor or pneumatic actuator and corresponding power supplies, a camera and perhaps some tilting mirrors with their power supplies, and the frame grabber card. Channels will be the screen status (motor position), the image taken and probably the beam diameter value, if the image processing is done at framegrabber level.
BPM Beam position monitor
SM Screen monitor (OTR and/or fluorescent)
SRM Synchrotron radiation monitor
WCM Wall current monitor
FCUP Faraday cup
TUPU Tune pick-up
PUM Bunch purity monitor
BLM Beam loss monitor
HS Horizontal scraper
VS Vertical scraper
ICT Integrating current transformer
PCT Parametric current transformer
FCT Fast current transformer
RF systems:

Ring machines (booster and storage ring):

There are 5 identical RF plants, one in the booster and 4 in the storage ring, each consisting of the amplifier (integrated transmitter), containing klystron, modulator, etc., the cavity, containing tuners, and the waveguide, containing attenuators, magic-Ts etc. The plants are numbered n=0,1,2,3,4 with 0 for the booster, 1 and 2 the storage ring RF in sector 02 and 3 and 4 in sector 08.
Not yet clear where to draw the line between functional devices: One extrem would be to treat each of the 5 RF plants as a whole as one device with a long list of hardware components, the other extrem treats every little electronic box as an individual device with only one hardware piece involved.

An Transmitter 
CAVn Cavity
WGn Waveguide
The linac contains two accelerating sections, three buncher sections and the thermionic gun. Since the gun uses high voltage like the sections we count it with the RF although it operates DC actually.
GUN Thermionic gun (DC)
SBU Subharmonic buncher (500 MHz)
PBU Prebuncher (3 GHz)
FBU Final buncher (3 GHz)
AS Accelerating section

Vacuum systems:

The first family character describes the kind of device (e.g. pump), the second character specifies a type, how it works (e.g. getter pump).
C Vacuum chamber
PG Getter pump
VG Gate valve
MI Ionisation measurement
MP Penning measurement
MQ Quadrupole mass spectrometer
MT Thermovac measurement


Controllable alignment devices appear in the storage ring only: Girder mover motors to be set and position measuring devices to be read. The other machines also will have alignment data, but these will be obtained from survey and thus are read-only.

HLS Hydrostatic levelling system
HPS Horizontal positioning system
POMSH Horizontal BPM position measurement
POMSV Vertical BPM position measurement
GM Girder mover motors

Member, Component

The third level for the machine devices usually is just a number or in case of the ring machines a descriptor containing some information on the location based on the machine's symmetry (see below). Up to now only the RF with its tree topology seems to needs a component specification:

RF systems: (n=0..4)

An Amplifier CAVn Cavity
An-KLY Klystron CAVn-TULP Tuning loop
An-FIL Klystron filament heating CAVn-HOMFS Higher order mode frequency shifter
An-FOC Klystron focussing coil CAVn-CLRK Cooling rack
An-IPS Klystron ionisation pump WGn Waveguide
An-HVDK High voltage deck WGn-AT Attenuator
An-PS Klystron power supply WGn-CI Circulator
An-MOD Modulator WGn-CO Coupler
An-VME Controller WGn-CX Waveguide to coaxial transformer
An-FC Fast controller WGn-EB E-bend
An-AMLP Amplitude loop WGn-HB H-bend
An-PHLP Phase loop WGn-LD Load
An-RFSW Drive chain RF switch WGn-MT Magic T
An-PHST Phase shifter station WGn-SS Straight section
An-PHKL Phase shifter klystron WGn-PP Pumping port
An-D50W Drive chain 50 W amplifier WGn-PS Phase shifter

Author: A.Streun
Last change: Nov 18, 99