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Description of the injection system

The layout of the injection system (kickers and septum) is the one described in the June 24 memorandum by C. Gough, and is show in  1. The figure shows the bumped stored beam, the injected beam and the septum. The bump half time sine time is 6$\mu$s, and the kickers are active 4 turns. The position and maximum deflection angle (turn 0) of the kickers are given in Table 1. The stored bumped orbit corresponding to the four turns while the kickers are active is show in figure 2. The parameters for the septum are given in Table 2, and the parameters for the injected beam in Table 3.

Table 1: Position of the kickers
  Position [m] Deflection [mrad]
Kicker 1 91.095 -5.288
Kicker 2 94.31 5.288
Kicker 3 97.68 5.288
Kicker 4 100.8955 -5.288

Figure 1: Layout at the exit of the septum.
\mbox{\epsfig{figure=esquema.eps, width=.6\textwidth} }

Figure 2: Bumped orbit for the active kicker time.
\mbox{\epsfig{figure=bump.eps, width=.95\textwidth} }

Table 2: Septum parameters
Position (start) 96.03 m
Length 0.8 m
Thickness 3.0 mm
Distance septum to beam axis 20 mm

Table 3: Injected beam parameters.
$\beta_x$ 3 m
$\alpha_x$ 0
Emittance 10 nm-rad
Distance to the septum 3 mm
Angle of divergence -0.8 mrad

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Marc Munoz