
ADOS activities
- Design of switchyard for beam distribution.
- Stabilization and feedback of beam trajectory.
- Participation in commissioning of 250 MeV injector.
- Studies on a non-linear bunch compressor.
- Organisation of the SLS performance upgrade program.
- Orbit stabilization, feedback and beam based alignment.
- Feed forward compensation of insertion device effects.
- Optics corrections from response matrix and turn by turn data.
- Control and suppression of coupling and vertical emittance.
- Optimization of acceptance and beam life time.
- Development of new optics modes on user request.
- CAFE controls software for beam dynamics applications at the SLS and SwissFEL.
- High level applications for SLS operation and machine developments.
- Maintenance and development of TRACY and OPA beam dynamics codes.
- Development of a residual gas photon beam position monitor.
- Integration of photon BPMs in orbit feedback.
- Maintenance of a high resolution emittance monitor.
- CERN accelerator school.
- Zürich university and technical university.