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SOFB Results

Fig. 2 documents the performance of the SOFB over 12 hours of user operation. After accumulating a current of 320 mA, the top-up mode is entered [5,6]. During 9 hours of top-up operation the SOFB stabilizes the orbit to rms values of $\approx $ 1 $\mu $m with respect to the ``Golden Orbit'' in both planes. The RF frequency is corrected by df whenever $\vert$df$\vert$ exceeds 5 Hz corresponding to dP/P $\approx $ 2$\cdot $10$^{-5}$. In this particular case a frequency correction is performed every $\approx $ 45 min. Please note that the horizontal rms value increases (see ``saw tooth'' in Fig. 2) while df is not applied.

Figure: Screenshot depicting rms values of the horizontal (`` x RMS'') and vertical (`` y RMS'') deviations from the ``Golden Orbit'' of \bgroup\color{red}$\approx$\egroup 1 \bgroup\color{red}$\mu$\egroupm during a 9 hour ``top-up'' run at 320 mA. The proposed frequency correction df is applied when passing a threshold of 5 Hz corresponding to an energy deviation dP/P  \bgroup\color{red}$\approx$\egroup 2 \bgroup\color{red}$\cdot$\egroup10 \bgroup\color{red}$^{-5}$\egroup
\includegraphics [width=1.1\linewidth=3.0]{THPRI030f2.eps}

Fig. 3 shows the variation of the orbit position at the location of ID U24 over 13 hours of top-up operation. The values are extrapolated from the readings of the adjacent BPM upstream. The deviations from the ``Golden Orbit'' are well fitted by Gaussian distributions with 2nd moments of $\sigma _x$ = 0.5 $\mu $m and $\sigma _y$ = 0.7 $\mu $m, respectively. The long term energy stability of the storage ring, characterized by the dP/P change proposed by the SOFB, is shown in Fig. 4 which was recorded over 14 days of nearly continuous SOFB operation at a rate of 1 Sample/min. During this period rms orbit deviations of 1 $\mu $m could be maintained.

Figure: Scatter-plot a) of the projected orbit position at the location of ID U24 taken at a sampling rate of 1 Hz over a 13 hour top-up run and corresponding histograms for the horizontal b) and vertical c) beam motion. The 2nd moments of the Gaussian distributions are fitted to be $\sigma _x$ = 0.5 $\mu $m and $\sigma _y$ = 0.7 $\mu $m, respectively
\includegraphics [width=1.1\linewidth=3.0]{THPRI030f3.eps}

Figure 4: Energy stability (dP/P change by SOFB) over 14 days (1 Sample/min) of SOFB operation. The 2nd moment of the Gaussian distribution is fitted to be $\sigma $(dP/P) $\approx $ 10$^{-5}$
\includegraphics [width=1.1\linewidth=3.0]{THPRI030f4.eps}

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Michael Boege