As first mentioned by Ternov, Loskutov and Korovina in 1961 electrons gradually polarize in storage rings due to sustained transverse acceleration while orbiting. The mechanism is the emission of spin-flip synchrotron radiation: While being accelerated, electrons radiate electromagnetic waves in quanta of photons which carry a spin. An extremely small fraction ( of the emitted power) of the synchrotron emissions is spin-flip radiation. The difference between the two possible transition rates causes an injected electron beam to get polarized anti-parallel with respect to the guiding dipole field. The maximum achievable polarization level in a planar ring without imperfections is the Sokolov-Ternov Level [2]:
The time constant of the exponential build-up process of this equilibrium polarization by the initially unpolarized beam is:
with s for the SLS storage ring (
GeV, effective bending radius
However, spin-flip radiation is accompanied by depolarizing effects (for example from perpendicular fields) and therefore beam polarization must be understood as an equilibrium state. Depolarizing effects (over a time which is long enough to allow spin diffusion) are expected to show an exponential decay of the polarization with the decay time constant . The equilibrium state is therefore described by an exponential build-up:
Since depolarizing effects are small in low energy rings, we expect high equilibrium polarization values close to the Sokolov-Ternov level at the SLS storage ring.