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If beam lifetime is limited by Touschek scattering, changes in the level of polarization can be correlated with the Touschek scattering rate. Touschek scattering has a polarization dependent cross section [4]: Increasing beam polarization leads to a smaller Touschek cross section and therefore to smaller loss rates. On the other hand, a sudden decrease in beam polarization (due to a resonant depolarization for example) will lead to a rise of Touschek scattering losses. Recent experiments [3] have shown that beam lifetime in the SLS is Touschek dominated when using a single bunch current of
mA. By filling only 90 buckets we remained at a low total beam current which guaranteed for low gas pressure and therefore small elastic scattering.
The product of Touschek lifetime and beam current is generally given by the decay constant:
. A change of
can be identified with a possible polarization build-up. Furthermore, measurement of the equilibrium polarization build-up time allows the determination of the equilibrium degree of polarization: After observing the exponential build-up process
can be fitted. According to eq. 3 the equilibrium polarization level
is obtained.
A fit of such a build-up is depicted in fig. 1. Several measurements [1] have shown that high polarization levels can be reached in the SLS storage ring with flat orbit correction and tunes
(see eq. 4). After performing vertical beam based alignment (BBA) [5] levels of polarization close to the Sokolov-Ternov level were reached (see fig. 2).
Figure 1:
First observed polarization build-up and fit (flat orbit). The fit parameter for the characteristic build-up time is
s corresponding to an equilibrium polarization of 63%. In following measurements polarization values of up to 87% were observed.
Figure 2:
Polarization build-up and fit (flat orbit and vertical BBA). The fit parameter for the characteristic build-up time is
s corresponding to an equilibrium polarization of 91%.
Next: Energy Calibration
Previous: Introduction
Michael Boege