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The magnets of the SLS storage ring are mounted onto 48 girders with the
36 bending magnets of the 12 TBAs sitting on the ends of two adjacent
girders [7].
The amplitude of stored beam orbit oscillation excited by groundwaves
is calculated by convolution
of the seismic spectrum on site, damping by the concrete slab of the
hall, girder mechanical amplification factors, closed orbit distortion
amplification factors and attenuation factors of the fast feedback system [4].
For a rough worst case estimate the following assumptions are made:
- The largest ground noise observed was
recorded while a heavy truck was passing by on the nearby road.
Peaks of 300 nm at 30 Hz and 30 nm at 60 Hz [8] were found.
Continuos ground noise however is at least one order of magnitude lower.
- Within the worst case estimate the damping effect of the hall's 40 cm concrete slab are neglected.
- The mechanical amplification factors of the girder were measured to be
on resonance horizontally and vertically over a frequency range
from 0...50 Hz [9].
- Amplification factors for the closed orbit with and without
girders are shown in Fig. 5. With girders one sees
horizontal [vertical] amplification factors of 8 [5]
at 30 Hz and 25 [5] at 60 Hz.
- The attenuation provided by the fast feedback system
is about -55 dB at 30 Hz and -35 dB at 60 Hz (assuming that
there is only one dominant peak) [4].
Amplification factors defined as ratio of closed orbit
(averaged over ground wave incident angle and phase) to ground wave amplitude
for single elements (dotted) and elements mounted on girders (solid).
For high frequency the factors approach the values from
random magnet misalignments which are for single elements,
girder to girder and girder absolute alignment given by
58, 22, 6 horizontally and 25, 4, 3 vertically. An increase of the
factors is observed where
equals the betatron wavelength,
which occurs at 36 Hz for the horizontal and at 14 Hz for the vertical.
Speed of sound was assumed to be 500 m/s (soft ground).
Multiplying these numbers one arrives at rms average orbit
distortions of 25 [15]
m horizontally [vertically] at 30 Hz
and 7.5 [1.5]
m at 60 Hz without feedback. Including the feedback
the orbit distortions are well below 1
m over the whole
frequency range.
With this as the result of a worst case estimate we are looking forward to achieve a rather quiet beam at SLS.
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Michael Boege